If you didn't know, yesterday was WBS´s green gold presentation. There's so much to talk to you about, I'll bore you out of your shoes. I´m only going to tell you about Hamanatua. Me had arrived at our school... Never mind. That's the boring part about it. The MAIN picnicking part. PLAGH!
The adults had left with Te Atawhai, and a whew more people (just to up the hill). Instead I decided to stay at the picnicking site. Me and Klara started picking at the pineapple, then we started gouging it down like a Cat to a Rat. when there were only two bits left we stopped, as we'd had our fill, and me and Kale´a ran to the top of the steep, small hill. To the footpath. The hill was about 5m high, who knows how many wide, and different heights the whole way. The part we ran down was 5m steep, I mean high, I mean, Whoops, I told you what we did. anyway, me And Kale´a ran down, Nearly into dirty-ish Hamanatua stream. I stopped at the edge, Kale´a skidded just before she ran into a tree, staying standing. then we went to climb a tree, just before we saw our class. We ran up the hill and back down it, two more times! then we packed up and left. Last we walked ba... thats boring too. Another big Pl