We got to select our groups for the automata. You got to choose to be in twos or threes. I chose to be with Naia and Rio.
first we made the cams. you had yo use thick cardboard, scures and even quarter of a straw. first you poke a hole on either side of the box, secondly, cut out a circle of thick cardboard, do that one more time same shape and size. Then get a hot glue gun and clue the cam on the centre of the scure, then put the scures ends into the holes in the box. then make a hole at the top of the box and make it slightly bigger
than the last holes, put the straw in the hole and then poke a secure through the straw, place your cam on and then put something on to weigh down the cam. thats that part done.
Next up is the handle. first cut out a big square of cardboard. then colour it in or tape it with washi tape. stick the cardboard into a secure, then break of half a secure and stick that in the cardboard.choose what goes on top.