Hi, I´m Charlotte. On wednesday, 28th of july 2021, we found 2 people that may be the murderer of an inspector, of a hotel. It's not real, It's just the backstory to make our math fun. We have to figure out the clues and find out who murdered the inspector. On wednesday we had to answer decimals such as...
2/3 of 27 & 1/8 of 48...
So on and so on. as I sat down on the mat Koka N, (Naigre), gave me my worksheet. I pulled out my pen as I, Once again, became a detective of this murder. I scribbled down answer after answer, until there was nothing left. The clue was...
The murderer rides a Motor-bike...
I lined up for my check, even though I knew I had the answer right, and waited. I waited for what seemed like was dusk to dawn, then she checked it. I had it right! She scribbled down her signature just as I walked away. Next Wednesday I shall find the convicted murderer.
See you Next week!