Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Tabloid Day

Tabloid day

Tabloid day was awesome!  We had an turn in 8 things.   There were ten activities.  It was all I could wish for that week.  The reason for that was apple bobbing!  That's when you put your head in a bucket of water to pull out an apple.  I only got 1.  It was the best part because we had to get wet.  It was boiling that day so that is another reason I loved it.  Never mind that now let's do the worst.

The worst was gumboot throw!    You have to throw a grubby gumboot.  that is the worst thing to do.  It was horrible.  Never throw gumboots in your Life!  That was the worst day ever!  I certainly don't have any more time to tell any thing else today.  I'm just very busy. see you in my next post.